
News & Events

Artists, Fiction and Cinema: Staging the Stuart Croft Archive

An illustrated, personally inflected lecture first presented in 2014 by artist filmmaker Stuart Croft (1970-2015) will be re-performed and discussed at BFI Southbank by Stuart Croft Foundation trustees and artists Emma Bennett, Keira Greene and Anna Lucas.

‘Artists, Fiction and Cinema: Staging the Stuart Croft Archive’ will be shown at BFI Southbank, 8.45pm on Thursday the 19th April 2018.

Croft’s first works used the staging, codes and production values of cinema to disrupt the gallery space, at a point in the 1990s when film and video installations became internationally visible. Croft sought to debate how this development related to his own practice and the history of underground, structuralist film.

This special one-off, discursive presentation will revisit his ideas and reflect on how his archive, recently deposited with the BFI plus other archives, might be activated today. Croft’s The Stag Without a Heart (2010) will also screen.

Tickets will be available to purchase on the BFI website.

Contact: info@stuartcroftfoundation.org © Stuart Croft Foundation 2017 | Registered charity No. 1163676 | Website: tmck.co.uk